“After teaching over 120 clients every week since 2004 it is crystal clear to me that 1 class a week is not enough to make real changes”

Jacqui Perks, Founder

In 2004 I opened the Practice, a complimentary health centre, in Totnes High Street along with my husband Simon, an osteopath. We have been blessed with a lovely team of practitioners who all share the belief that treatment alone is only part of the picture. We all need to take responsibility for our own health as well as seeking the support of others. I believe that we come into this world with a genetic 'blueprint' which we can impact through our own personal choices of lifestyle and attitude. Simply put we are the most important person that we know on our journey to live a rich & healthy life. However we don't have to do it alone. I want to help you get stronger, to stay well and be inspired to live a great and healthy life. That’s my aim and why I have created this online community. With your help and feedback this resource can grow to help others. This is a massive learning curve for us all to live in a quickly changing world and we must adapt. It’s also a great opportunity to do things better!

A wee flavour of the BB Club